Trump's written note claiming there was no quid pro quo has already become an iconic meme

By now you've probably glimpsed President Donald Trump's handwritten note about Gordon Sondland's impeachment testimony on Wednesday. During a press conference on Wednesday afternoon, Trump held a statement on a pad of paper, written in black Sharpie in Trump's signature scrawl, that said: "I want nothing. I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo."

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By now you've probably glimpsed President Donald Trump's handwritten note about Gordon Sondland's impeachment testimony on Wednesday.

During a press conference on Wednesday afternoon, Trump held a statement on a pad of paper, written in black Sharpie in Trump's signature scrawl, that said: "I want nothing. I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo."

The president also had a printed copy of a tweet from Jeff Mason, a Reuters White House correspondent, that backed up his claim that a quid pro quo was not at the center of his decision to withhold military aid to Ukraine.

—Aaron Blake (@AaronBlake) November 20, 2019

The president's large, caps-lock-y handwriting struck many, and the phrase "I want nothing" trended on Twitter.

Of course, the internet did what the internet does best: turned images of the note into a meme.

There were Eminem jokes ...

—Ben Hartman (@Benhartman) November 20, 2019—Anne T. Donahue (@annetdonahue) November 20, 2019

... Pearl Jam setlist jokes ...

—John Moe (@johnmoe) November 20, 2019

... and Snooki references.

—Taylor Trudon (@taylortrudon) November 20, 2019

Some made it a little personal.

—Rachel Saya Jacobson (@RachelSayaJ) November 20, 2019

So why was the note so ... big? Trump reportedly has poor eyesight but refuses to wear glasses in public. According to The New York Times, he rarely tweets in front of other people because he doesn't want them to see him with his glasses on.

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