Periods: What The Colour Of Your Menstrual Blood Means

Ever wondered why your period blood can sometimes appear to be different shades of red (or maybe even another colour)? Getting to know how your periods look or change as your bleed continues is a good idea, so you can understand your body better and learn what's normal for you. Granted, this is

Ever wondered why your period blood can sometimes appear to be different shades of red (or maybe even another colour)? Getting to know how your periods look – or change as your bleed continues – is a good idea, so you can understand your body better and learn what's normal for you. Granted, this is easier if you wear tampons and pads than if you swear by period knickers.

It's pretty common for period blood to appear to look a spectrum of colours, and there's a simple explanation for it, too. Luckily, period expert and author of the book You Can Have a Better Period, Le'Nise Brothers has broken it down for us.

What the colour of your period means

“Our periods and menstrual cycles are one of five vital signs, alongside our blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate and temperature, which means that they are a barometer for our general health and wellbeing,” Le'Nise explains. “How we experience our monthly bleeds, even the colour, can give us an indication of whether all is as it should be. When you have your next period, have a look.

“If anything is slightly off, don’t panic, but take note,” she adds, though she does recommend seeing a doctor if you notice an abnormality in your bleeding. “If your menstrual blood is a very unusual colour like grey, green or orange, that could be a sign of bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis or an STI, so please go and see your doctor. If the menstrual blood is black, that could indicate an infection or a vaginal blockage like a stuck tampon or another object - go to your doctor ASAP if this is the case.”

Bright red

“This bright, cranberry red colour is what we want. It’s a sign that the blood and menstrual fluid is flowing as it should from the uterus. The bright red colour indicates a freshness and that the blood is passing through the vagina quickly after it sheds from the lining of the uterus.”

It's worth noting that if you’re bleeding through severe pads or tampons an hour or passing large blood clots often, it is a good idea to get it checked out, as your flow could be heavy.

Dark red

“This is what we might see towards the end of our periods. The darker red means that it is older blood from the deeper parts of the lining of the uterus that has taken longer to shed.”


“There are a few reasons for brown menstrual fluid. This is what you might see when your period hasn’t quite started yet or the very last gasps of your period - old blood that has been exposed to oxygen and turned brown. If you experience two or more days or brown spotting before your period, that could also be a sign of low progesterone.”


“Pink menstrual fluid can indicate a few different things. Firstly, this colour is very common with very short (under two days) and very light periods. A pink colour can also be an indicator of low estrogen levels.”

Is period colour a cause for concern?

“Generally, period blood can come in a variety of shades and it doesn’t usually mean anything in particular. Some people think period blood colour can tell you how well your hormones are working, but there isn’t much evidence to support this.

“If you’re bleeding between periods, or your bleeding doesn’t seem like a normal period or smells odd, it is best to check it with a medical professional. Likewise, if you’re frequently seeing large menstrual clots (bigger than an inch/10p coin), have a chat with your GP.”

Why is it important to keep an eye on the way periods look?

“As it's been painfully shown by the UK Government’s recent research – which has highlighted the gender health gap — female health has been significantly undervalued, overlooked and under-researched for too long. By understanding their cycles, women and people who menstruate can proactively take care of their health,” Dr Claudia Pastides, a GP and medical advisor at period tracker Flo Health, explains.

“For example, it's really important to track your period to spot signs of abnormal menstrual bleeding.”

Signs of abnormally heavy bleeding include:
  • Bleeding that lasts more than 7 days
  • Bleeding that soaks through one or more tampons or pads every hour for several hours in a row
  • Needing to wear more than one pad at a time to control menstrual flow
  • Regularly bleeding through to your clothes or on your bedding
  • Avoiding daily activities, like exercise, or needing to take time off work because of your periods
  • Menstrual flow with blood clots that are an inch / the size of a 10p coin or larger

If you have questions or concerns about your period, always speak to your GP.

