Kristen & Rob's Twilight Vampire Sex: It Was Awful!

"It's so obvious; it slaps you in the face anytime you meet somebody who you're like, We definitely need to work together!'" she gushed. "We clearly are into this, maybe not for the same reasons, because he's a nut, but I knew instantly. With Taylor [Lautner] too. I take full and complete credit for those

"It's so obvious; it slaps you in the face anytime you meet somebody who you're like, ‘We definitely need to work together!'" she gushed. "We clearly are into this, maybe not for the same reasons, because he's a nut, but I knew instantly. With Taylor [Lautner] too. I take full and complete credit for those boys."

It's a good thing Stewart felt completely comfortable working with Pattinson, because, as all Twi-hards know, the two had to film some very intense sex scenes for the two Breaking Dawn flicks.

