Last week’s episode of Good Girls, “Not Just Cards,” ended on a huge cliffhanger. Rio showed up at the bar where Beth was supposed to meet Rhea, and she was (understandably) shocked. So how does she get out of it? By telling him that she’s pregnant. Here’s a full recap of season 3, episode 3, “Egg Roll.”
Beth tries to get pregnant
After her big announcement at the bar, we see Beth and Dean having sex, though her very unenthusiastically. After, he asks her why they’ve been intimate so frequently lately, and she, of course, lies to him. Then Beth takes pregnancy test after pregnancy test, but they’re all negative.
Later, Beth sees Rhea at soccer practice. She approaches her, and tries to explain why she befriended her when she thought Rio was dead. Beth then asks for help, revealing that she’s not pregnant. She also pays Rhea back, and the latter walks away without a word.
Work isn’t going so well
Meanwhile, just when they thought things were good with their “associate,” Annie reveals that he was arrested at a Taco Bell. They go to meet with him, and he blackmails them into getting him out on bail so that they can get their money from him.
Beth tells the girls they need to take a break. Annie fires back at her, showing her issues with the way her sister always has to be in charge, which she figured out in therapy in this episode. Beth then reveals to them that Rio is alive.
Stan is back on board — sort of
Ruby and Stan have a safe word — “egg roll” — so that she doesn’t tell him anything about her criminal activities. But she needs his help, and she gets him to talk to an old cop buddy in order to get the van out. After a conversation with Krystal, he agrees. But he decides the “egg roll” rule isn’t going to work, and instead, insists that Ruby set aside her earnings for every “job” he has to do.
Dean struggles to do the right thing
Dean has continued to do well at work. His boss notices this and asks him out on a date. Dean proceeds to dye his hair, but panics when Beth comes home. He then finds her pregnancy tests in the trash.
When Dean confronts Beth, she acts like she wants to have another kid with him. He’s hurt that she used him, but he still doesn’t know about the Rio situation. Days later, he tells his boss he can’t go out with her, and she seemingly demotes him.
Rio doesn’t believe Beth
Rio surprises Beth at her house and forces her to come with him to the OB-GYN. He obviously doesn’t believe her. The doctor says it’s too early to see anything, but Rio insists on an ultrasound. She then confirms that Beth is pregnant, and he demands a paternity test.
After he leaves the room, Beth thanks her. The doctor replies, “Thank your friend,” indicating that this was all Rhea’s doing. Later, at the park, Beth asks Rhea why she did it; she says, “Because you’re a mom. But he’s not dumb.” Later, an associate of his shows up at the house to keep an eye on Beth.