Blackadder fans keen to get their hands on Rowan's codpiece | Media

Not since the famous "does my codpiece look big in this" furore surrounding George Clooney and Chris O'Donnell in 1997's Batman & Robin has there been such interest in, er, codpieces. That's right, the UK's most famous codpiece that worn by Rowan Atkinson's Blackadder is to be auctioned. "We've already had bids from

Media MonkeyMedia

Blackadder fans keen to get their hands on Rowan's codpiece

The codpiece worn by Rowan Atkinson on Blackadder II is to be auctioned

Not since the famous "does my codpiece look big in this" furore surrounding George Clooney and Chris O'Donnell in 1997's Batman & Robin has there been such interest in, er, codpieces. That's right, the UK's most famous codpiece – that worn by Rowan Atkinson's Blackadder – is to be auctioned. "We've already had bids from Australia," said a spokesman for the auction company. Of course you have.

