#AfterSex Selfies Are Apparently a New, NSFW Instagram Trend

Like, WHY? Nerve.com was the first to report on the trend, calling it "voyeuristic," noting that the pics are posted "with full knowledge that they can and will be searched by anonymous eyes." That may seem obvious, but let us say it again: ANYONE CAN SEE THESE. And what's on the Internet stays there forever.

Like, WHY?

Nerve.com was the first to report on the trend, calling it "voyeuristic," noting that the pics are posted "with full knowledge that they can and will be searched by anonymous eyes." That may seem obvious, but let us say it again: ANYONE CAN SEE THESE. And what's on the Internet stays there forever. 

"In a way the #aftersex tag is a reassurance to the couple taking the photos," Nerve continues. "‘Hey, look at us, we're having really, really hot sex,' is met with recognition of their hot sex life by their friends, maybe even a like."

Again: Judging you. Also, judging anyone who likes a friend's #AfterSex photo. What happened to just talking about it in the locker room or at brunch and high-fiving each other?! That's a real-life "Like!"

And next, WHHHYYY?

DailyMail interviewed a Dr. Chris Chesher of the University of Sydney, who explained, "What happens when new cultural platforms come along, is the norms with how they should be used don't exist until people start using them...Platforms like Facebook have been around for several years, so expectations of how it should be used have been gradually established."

We feel it's worth pointing out that even if you're new to Instagram, you're probably not new to life and understand that, should you want to share your sex stuff on the Internet, there are porn hubs (literally PornHub.com) for that. Not on a social media where your aunt follows you.

